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DN Key Dates

Wow, Boys, what a year it’s been!

On January 9, we embarked upon the annual show season without any idea that DN76 would be any different than the prior 75. Then, on March 6, Sands showed up in a hazmat suit, and seven days later, the world went to hell. (Thanks for that.)

As we slowly emerged from our toilet paper starved, quarantined caves six months later, we got the Golf Outing, DN Mini-Golf, Pitch Night, and even the Butta-Bowl in before it was time to crawl back into our caves for the long winter ahead.

We’ve promised you a show and a show there will be. DN77 must go on and go on it shall, at some point… Based on the continuing Covid-19 threat and the unknown transmission rates as we get deeper into the holidays and winter, we have decided to push Dads’ Night 77 to May. We believe this is in the best interest of our kids, our families, and our community.

Dads’ Night 77 Key Dates

April 8 – Skit Sign-up Night

April 10 – Kick-off Party

April 15-May 13 – Thursday Evening Rehearsals

May 16-20 – Hell Week

May 21-22 – Show Days

May 21 – Cast Party

May 22 – Prom

Rehearsals will likely be outside, and we are actively planning for both indoor and outdoor show options. Although it is too early to commit, know that we are moving slowly and deliberately to ensure a safe show for all.

You may have noticed that we opened the annual DN Dues early this year, and there are two reasons for this. First, we need everyone to sign the DN Covid-19 waiver, and the most efficient way to do this is electronically through Community Pass when you pay your dues. Second, we want to give you a cool winter hat that you’ll need for rehearsing outside in April! So, log in to Community Pass and pay your dues by Dec 15 so we can get the hat order in. Dues go up to full price Jan 1.

2020 has not been the Excellent Adventure we hoped it would be, but we’d argue that it has been an adventure.

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