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Summer Event Updates

We hope you all had a great July 4th holiday and are settling into summer! It’s nice to see families dining out and hearing the sounds of Little League baseball on local fields again. Matt and I appreciate all the encouragement and support you’ve shown as we manage this amazing organization, day-to-day, through these uncertain times.

We are excited to share the Dads’ Night Softball tournament, August 22, and the Dads’ Night Golf Outing, September 11, are both proceeding forward. They may look slightly different as we follow all safety guidelines and best practices, but the comradery is more important than ever this year.

After input from you, countless conversations, and careful consideration, we made the difficult decision to cancel the annual Dads’ Night picnic. In the end, the health and safety of families are more important than a backyard barbeque that we can hold every summer for the next 77 years.

To date, you have put $21k back into the community through the Dad’s Dollars program. We continue to hear the same comments from the restaurant owners, “thank you” and “this is amazing!” Please continue to support the program. There are 488 certificates remaining, so get your order in today.

We know some of you live under a rock so here is the program in a nutshell, again! You pay Dads’ Night $40, we pay you $50. It’s that simple. Order your Dads’ Dollars TODAY before they run-out!

A couple of housekeeping notes, the DN’s email is meant to communicate DN and other information. If you need a tool or advice, ask it but don’t abuse the network, it is not your personal wanted ad.

If you have friends or neighbors who are not on the distribution list or have a child entering kindergarten in the fall, let us know so we can add them.

DN Golf and DN Softball registration will open soon. Keep an eye out for it and support it by signing up.

Two notes regarding the Dads’ Dollars:

1) Complete the entire Google form and click submit at the bottom below the PayPal section.

2) You also need to go to PayPal (link at the bottom of the Google form) and pay DN. Remember, $40 for every $50 you want. If you want $100, pay us $80 AND uncheck the friends and family box in PayPal. Otherwise, DN incurs the fee.

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